Who Wants a Million Dollars?

Matthew 16:21-28

Who Wants
a Million

For what is a man
profited, if he shall gain
the whole world, and
lose his own soul? or
what shall a man give in
exchange for his soul?
- Matthew 16:26
While visiting with my younger brother in
' ' the Villages in Florida, we went golfing on
one of their thirty golf courses. Families from
all over the country and around the world have
bought and built expensive homes around the
lakes, golf courses, restaurants, medical facili-
ties, and shopping malls.
Most of the homes were in the $250,000 to
$450,000 price range. One very beautiful and
very expensive home was located by a lake on
one of the golf courses and was in the $ 750,000
bracket. The owner had operated a large dairy
farm in the Evansville, Indiana area for many
years and then oil was discovered on his prop-
erty. As the oil was pumped out, the money
flowed in. He moved down to Florida to enjoy
his retirement. A local realtor came by and told
the owner, "I can get you a million dollars for
your house." The retired man replied, "What
would I want with a million dollars ?"
It brought to mind a sermon I used to preach entitled, "How to have
the benefits of a million dollars without having all those headaches
that would go along with it."
The Bible Christian knows that satisfaction, contentment, and ful-
fillment does not come with money. Kraft, Penney, Wannamaker,
Hughes, and dozens of others have testified to that. Jesus promised
that all things would be added to those who seek first the kingdom
of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33).True riches are found
in spiritual values and not material things. Someone said, 'Men
search through the books on the shelves of the town library trying
to discover the secrets of a fulfilled life, and the janitor sweeping
the floor has found it long ago in Jesus Christ."
Dr. Tom Wallace, Pastor Emeritus,
 Franklin Road Baptist Church, Murfreesboro, TN