The King Is The Guarantee -

The King Is the

Psalm 61:1-6

Thou wilt prolong the

king's life: and his years

as many generations.

- Psalm 61:6

The man who killed bears and lions felt

 weak. The man who conquered Goliath

felt defeated. The man who led armies to great

victories felt overwhelmed, and the man who

was the king felt lonely. David's whole life

came crashing down around him. His life was

in shambles and his family was falling apart.

Does this sound like anything you might be

experiencing? Though our problems might

not be at this level, we are often drained with

the trials of life. Perhaps you are anxious with

a family crisis or you are facing some health

issues. Possibly you are frightened by the

political and financial unrest in our modem world.

David knew he needed something bigger than

himself to rescue him. He needed to stand on a

rock that was higher than he was, but he didn't

know where to turn. He couldn't save himself,

so he  prayed (Psalm 61:1-3). God heard David's

prayer (the same way He hears our prayers)

and blessed him. The trials were still present, but after casting his burdens on the Lord and contemplating God's goodness and strength, David enjoyed a sense of peace. When falling apart he found One who would listen and love. He found One to lean upon and he found One who would guarantee that everything would be alright. If you want true peace in your life, then ask yourself, "Is the King on the throne in your life?"
If we insist on living our own lives our own way we will never find the peace we long for. It is only when we lay everything aside and put Jesus on the throne in our lives, that we will be able to face life with confidence. The King is the guarantee! He is the Rock that is higher than we are.

"O Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me" (Psalm 30:2).

Pastor Mark D. Hodges,
Winter Haven Baptist Church, Winter Haven, FL
Today's Through the Bible Reading
Exodus 29,30; Matthew 22:l-25